My Jamaican Mom is proud;
Proud of her birthplace and her heritage;
Proud of what she and her husband have accomplished;
Proud of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren.

My Jamaican Mom is strong;
Filled with the strength and resilience of her ancestors;
Filled with strength from her sense of place and purpose;
Filled with the strength of God.
My Jamaican Mom is beautiful;
Beautiful in flesh and in spirit;
Beautiful in personality and character;
A reflection of the natural beauty of the place she was born.
My Jamaican Mom is intelligent;
Smartly embracing the ways of her adopted nation,
While never forgetting her Jamaican roots;
Astutely adapting to a lifetime of change.
My Jamaican Mom is loved …
By Wayne Bigby, a retired lawyer and business executive who lives in Canada and loves his Jamaican Mom, Hazel Bigby.
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